Wednesday, April 15, 2009

my list today:
a dentist i am comfortable with
pausing and detaching
carob raisins
my favorite tea is back
student art work
my mentors

lists from others:
working for 5.5 hours and feeling good
a great night with Jack - a great helper
The G1 scoreboard
The You Tube of Susan Boyle singing (you’ve got to see and hear this woman)

self-grading quizzes and assignments!
new sponsee

modern conveniences: electricity, indoor plumbing..stuff like that
the good parts of my job
collage and college!
this too will pass
corduroy pants
Richard Thompson (musician)
eye-hand coordination

Driving to work with my left foot.
winning against Harford and having a 3-2 record

My grandson Ty
A walk in the rain
An e-mail from Italy :)
Cup of hot black bean soup
Kate getting to be FREE

trying to trust
wearing out maya

erin's cast skills
free tampons
Having Bec go clothes shopping with me (not my favorite task)
Putting faith in others
Good electricians (let me know if you need one)
Pepperoni pizza
making it to my soccer game
good parents
jack's independence
kate driving with her left foot
2 assists
Catching up with old friends

My son Paul
Being ok with going back to work today
Being warm and dry inside
Listening to speakers on CDs in the car


  1. sleeping in
    a good therapist
    a new career
    good people in our community who really work hard for the welfare of kids
    my health and my family's health
    my sister
    my sister by choice
    Blue and Gold Cub Scout dinner

  2. having a 2-week old baby visit the office yesterday
    job offer for my daughter-in-law much closer to home
    getting a new lawnmower out of my car trunk
    morning business meeting with someone else fixing me breakfast
    seeing my garden plants poking through the soil
    Rheb's butter cream egg
    22 people at my house for Easter and all behaved
    birds tweeting in the morning
